Green Tea Sugar Scrub
One of my New Year resolutions is to be more frugal but another one is to treat myself better. So I have been doing some research into ways I can pamper myself at home instead of going out. 

I do love using things I find in the kitchen for my beauty regimen! Not only am I ensuring I use all the items in my cabinets, but I am saving a ton of money on skin care products. While I wouldn’t pay for it, I have seen some sugar scrubs sell for as much as $35 for 8 oz. INSANE! Today’s sugar scrub cost me. . . I don’t even know how much because I have the items on hand. If I had to guess, this cost me $8 – for all the ingredients with enough ingredients to make 6 batches. So $1.33 a batch? Yeah, that’s more my style.

Here’s what you need: Green tea, coconut oil, and sugar.

That is literally it! Here’s why this works:

Coconut oil – contains vitamin E which can sooth skin and its many conditions like eczema or psoriasis. It helps to keep skin moisturized and softens the skin. I have seen recipes which use olive oil, but I prefer the aroma of coconut oil.

Green Tea – You’ve probably already heard of the benefits of drinking green tea, and if you haven’t, read up on it! It’s been used for centuries in China for its medicinal properties. For the skin, it can help to remove toxins and has been proven to help heal scars and blemishes. And while there is less caffeine in Green Tea than other teas, caffeine has also been shown to help with under eye circles – which I have.

Sugar – It is obviously the exfoliator in this recipe but did you know that it is also a natural source of glycolic acid (which is used to treat aging or sun-damaged skin)? So, not only does it scrub away the dead, dry cells on top but it penetrates and breaks down the glue that bonds cells together to encourage cell regrowth.

Don’t believe me? Check out my sources at the bottom of the page or do your own research!

Once you have the ingredients, here’s what you do. Brew a cup of tea. Drink it. Grab another tea bag (or K-cup, which is all I have on hand today). Pour the loose tea into small mixing bowl. Add 1 cup sugar. Depending on how abrasive you want the mix will determine which sugar to use. Since I like to use this scrub on my face, I prefer to use plain white sugar. It is small enough to penetrate the pores and soft enough to not damage the more delicate facial skin. With just the sugar and the tea in the bowl, use a whisk to make sure there are no clumps in the sugar. While you whisk that out, place 3 tablespoons of coconut oil in the microwave for 20 seconds. If it isn’t all the way melted, stir it until it melts the rest of the way. You don’t want to keep microwaving it because coconut oil can burn and it’ll leave a bit of an odor. Now that it’s melted, slowly pour the oil while whisking the sugar and tea. I like to pour and whisk at the same time because it does avoid clumping. Seal it in an air-tight container and you are good to go!

If you do not like the smell of the scrub, you can add some essential oils (I prefer lavender), but it is not necessary. If I were giving this as a gift, I would use a cuter jar and some oils, but this one is for my personal use.

Another great element of this recipe is that my daughters can make it. They love to be in the kitchen and doing crafts with me so this provides some mommy-and-me time. If you are planning a slumber party for pre-teens, this is also a great activity for keeping them busy. Not only do they get to make and use it, but you can get little containers for them to take some home.



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